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Updated: Jul 10, 2019

I'm going to propose that I look at articles and web sites devoted to photography more than the average human. In so doing I have finally come across a photographic philosophy that fits my thinking. After deleting the latest email from a fine friend showing me natural wonders that someone had the good sense to capture in photographs I discovered a quote from Elliott Erwitt. He's an American, born in Paris to Russian parents. He says about photography: "I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” I wish I'd said that but I'm happy to repeat it.

The balcony looks more dramatic shot this way.
web site shot for Chateau LeMoyne

Photography is such a popular hobby around the world that you'll have no difficulty finding displays of photographs on the internet. You can also find many contests inviting people to submit photographs for possible recognition. While I have submitted photographs to such as National Geographic's "Your Shot" display and appreciate that other photographers have expressed admiration at times, being published is not nearly the accomplishment it was 30 years ago. It's just too easy to get your photos on the internet.

Getting paid for your photography is way more difficult. The greatest feeling for me, relative to my photography, comes from being paid to make photographs and seeing those shots used by my client. My clients actually pay for a service. They're not looking primarily for artistic wonderfulness but, rather, photos that illustrate a message. In the case of my convention planning clients it's the idea that the event was well worth attending. In the case of a corporate client, like CLECO, the message will be obvious in the display.

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