You can improve your photographic results by knowing how your camera works. Even if you like to "point & shoot", a little inside info about the camera can help. I'll start with basics.
When you push the shutter button a little door opens in the camera that lets light hit a sensor for a fraction of a second. If you're pointing and shooting the camera's computer will make several adjustments to the lens and the camera body to get a good image because the lens must focus on a subject and the adjustable opening inside the lens must allow the proper amount of light to pass through to the camera. In the camera body, the shutter must be timed to open only long enough to get a good picture; not to bright or too dark.
This is too basic for some of you, I know, but there's more to come.
To improve your photography you must decide that the exposure settings built in to the camera by the engineer in Japan are fine but may not be best for your purposes. I suggest you try putting the camera in the "manual mode" and literally playing with the settings for shutter speed, aperture (f-stop), and ISO (sensitivity), to see what your different results are. The lens should focus when you partially press the shutter button so just pick something on which you want it to focus.
In digital photography you can waste as many shots as you want and then delete them. First, though, you can learn what the different adjustments do to the finished image.
Important note: I expect you to download your images to a computer frequently so you can reuse your memory card.